Meet Amy Iadarola
Amy Iadarola is a Certified Advanced Rolfer® and has been a professional bodyworker for over 20 years, 12 of which she worked at a physical therapy clinic that specialized in dance medicine. Over the years, her clients have ranged from performing artists and elite athletes to people living with chronic pain. She has a special interest in complex cases and enjoys collaborating with other healthcare professionals to coordinate care.
In 2003, Amy was certified in Pilates, which remains influential in her Rolfing practice. Sessions typically incorporate one or two gentle, Pilates-based exercises to activate the client’s deep stabilizing muscles and support the changes achieved with the hands-on work. Amy’s practice is also informed by studies in Rolf Movement® Integration, a component of the Rolf training program that considers the how perception, coordination, and nervous system regulation affect posture and function.
Outside of the studio, Amy enjoys exploring different forms of movement, including yoga, Gyrotonic, and weight training. She also loves theater and the arts and binging her favorite podcasts. Amy lives in Kensington with fellow Rolfer Keith Moore and their two Siamese cats.
“Amy gets right to the source of tension and has taught me so much about my body. Her deep anatomical knowledge and intuitive sense comes together into some of the most healing, effective body work I have experienced.” - Susanne
Certified Craniosacral Therapist, Colorado Cranial Institute, Boulder, CO, 2017
Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO, 2013
Licensed Massage Therapist, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD, 2011
Certified Rolfer, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO, 2010
Certified Pilates Practitioner, Polestar Pilates Education, Coral Gables, FL, 2003
Licensed Massage Therapist, Virginia Board of Nursing, Richmond, VA, 2002
Certified Massage Therapist, National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, McLean, VA, 2002
Colorado Cranial Institute, Boulder, CO, 2017
Advanced Training Program, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO, 2013
Rolfing Certification Program, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO, 2010
Massage Training Certification Program, Potomac Massage Training Institute, Washington, DC, 2002
MA, Literature, American University, Washington, DC, 1995
BA, Literature, American University, Washington, DC, 1991
Washington School of Ballet, Washington, DC, 1975–1985
“Amy is an incredibly gifted, intuitive, and caring practitioner. I appreciated her sharp analytical skills, her warm, compassionate presence, and the thoroughness with which she treated my situation.” - Caroline
Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolfing and Movement, Kensington, MD (2013–present). Work primarily with individuals with chronic pain to release fascial restrictions and restore healthy neuromotor patterns. Teach introductory classes on Rolfing and fascial anatomy at the University of Maryland School of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies and other venues by invitation, e.g., Annual Mid-Atlantic Flute Fair 2014 and Dance Educators Training Institute 2017. Provide bodywork backstage at the Kennedy Center to visiting dance companies including Alvin Ailey Dance Theater.
Secretary, Board of Directors, Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO (2015–2018). Helped establish and enforce policies to ensure that the Rolf Institute was fulfilling its purposes: To train and certify Rolfers, provide continuing education, promote research, and educate the public about Rolfing.
Contributing Editor, Structural Integration: The Journal of the Rolf Institute, Boulder, CO (2013–2016). Edited articles on Rolfing and Rolf Movement® Integration for the Institute’s quarterly professional journal. Contribute articles and interviews to the journal, including an article on Joint Hypermobility in Dancers (March 2015).
Certified Rolfer and Massage Therapist, Body Dynamics Physical Therapy, Arlington, VA (2001–2013). Collaborated with physical therapists, massage therapists, and movement educators to treat individuals with a variety of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions. Treated professional and preprofessional dancers recovering from injury and provided therapeutic massage backstage at the Kennedy Center to dance companies including the Mark Morris Dance Group. Taught group classes in Pilates, active isolated stretch, and dance conditioning at Body Dynamics and the Kirov Academy of Ballet.
Dancer, Sister’s Trousers Dance Company, Reston, VA (1995–2005). Performed with the DC-area modern dance company across the mid-Atlantic region.
Medical Writer, Washington, DC metro area (1991–2006). Wrote research reports, summaries of scientific meetings, and informational and promotional materials for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).